2007年夏故国行流水帐之七 — 回季庄






Ancestor worship
Grandma died in May this year. She was cremated and buried here as well. My dad erected a tablet stone here, so it is easier for later to identify, instead of the earth mounds here and there.









那天我们在集上买了不少菜,自己做。靠墙的小棚子是厨房。我坐在那儿烧锅。要说烧锅 我算是老手了。因为用的是柴禾,所以不用拉风箱。很遗憾,忘了给风箱拍个照。




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6 responses to “2007年夏故国行流水帐之七 — 回季庄”

  1. You’ve got me pondering. And my pondering got too long to leave as a comment, so I made it a post on my own blog.

    Beautiful post, though, and I love the photos. Actually, the photos look surprisingly similar to rural Yanqing County, in Beijing’s northwest. I wouldn’t’ve expected that of Shandong.

  2. I actually planned a longer post, but was short of time and energy, and probably clicked the publish button a tad too soon without better reorganizing and proofreading.

    During the week we were at 薛城, we went back to the Ji Village twice, and I actually got the wrong picture (the burning stove one) in describing the day when the clan had a reunion of sort. We were pressed for time, but it was nice for my grandma and my wife to meet each other, and for her to see my son. It was difficult to talk to her, as she was around 97 then. I actually would have loved to be able to sit down and drink some tea together with her, and just listen to her life stories. I will certainly do more of that with my parents.

    I am not sure if you’ve read Pearl Buck’s The Good Earth. I read it recently, and really enjoyed it. The book’s subjects were early 20th century peasants in northern Anhui province, maybe a little older than my grandma, and I thought a lot of her descriptions were poignant and accurate.

    I am becoming a somewhat history buff. At the present I just got started reading Edward Said’s Orientalism (萨伊德 东方主义). It’s a bit long winded, but I like it so far. In writing this post, I am very much in line with his thinking expressed thusly: “My two fears are distortion and inaccuracy, or rather the kind of inaccuracy produced by too dogmatic a generality and too positivistic a localized focus.” I don’t want to be misanthropic, either.

    I probably got some other 错别字, but 过通 should definitely be 过同. Here 同 takes the same meaning as in 胡同.

  3. Yep, read The Good Earth, and it reads like its northern Anhui perhaps neighbouring parts of Shandong or northwestern Jiangsu. There’s something in the geography of the book that suggests that. It’s not really surprising, considering Pearl Buck’s China life was centred around Jiangnan and ventured north of there with her missionary/agronomist husband.

    Summer before last I spent a week alone with my in laws, the Mrs was on a work trip, and it was awesome, over dinner sitting back and listening to my father in law tell all the old tales. I would like to do the same with my own parents, but I suspect my family history, on both sides, is a bit too fragmented for much coherent to come through.

  4. Ha, I remember one time I was stuck in Sweden due to visa issues in January. It was just me and my father-in-law. That was interesting time, in a good way. I imagine my guardian angel had a few laughs looking from above.

  5. 很喜欢你写的这篇文章。令我很想念我婆婆的乡间生活。我只是在学校放假时才有机会探望她。不过呢,我婆婆还是外婆都不是很疼我这个孙女,因为我们因爸爸工作的关系,办到很远的地方去。所以婆婆们对于我来说,是非常陌生的人物。更不用说公公和外公了,他们两都在我父母很小的时候去世了,我根本没有机会见到他们。连长成甚麽样子的我也不知道。迷糊中,可能还有一点我外公蒙胧的印象,因为我妈给我看过外公的一张小照片。好啦,我不该在这里罗罗嗦嗦的。呵呵。谢谢分享哦。

  6. 谢谢你的评论,小青蛙!



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